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The Best Nonprofits to Support National Nonprofit Day

Today is National Nonprofit Day, a day to recognize and celebrate the contributions of nonprofit organizations in making the world a better place.

On August 17th each year, people, communities, and governments come together to honor the selfless commitment of these organizations in addressing important social, environmental, and humanitarian issues. Motivated by their purpose rather than profit, nonprofits play an essential role in providing public services, advocating for change, and supporting vulnerable populations. From small local efforts to large international charities, these organizations promote compassion, hope, and unity across borders and cultures. Let's take a moment to express our gratitude to the many individuals who give their time, skills, and resources to these noble causes.

The following list includes nonprofits that represent various common cause areas across America. If you'd like, consider donating to these organizations through Groundswell.


ARTogether is an organization dedicated to using art to promote healing, community-building, and empowerment among refugees and immigrants. The organization operates in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, and its primary focus is on providing art workshops, classes, and events for individuals and families displaced from their home countries due to conflict, persecution, or other humanitarian crises.

ARTogether recognizes the transformative power of art and its ability to transcend language barriers and trauma, allowing individuals to express themselves, process their experiences, and connect with others in their community. Through various art forms like painting, drawing, photography, and storytelling, participants are given an outlet for creativity, healing, and self-discovery.

The organization collaborates with local artists, volunteers, and community members to conduct art workshops and exhibitions. These events provide opportunities for refugees and immigrants to develop artistic skills and enable them to share their unique cultural perspectives with the wider community, fostering understanding and appreciation.

Furthermore, ARTogether addresses the social isolation many refugees and immigrants face by creating a supportive and inclusive space that encourages friendship and networking among participants. By building a strong sense of community, ARTogether empowers individuals to overcome challenges and rebuild their lives with dignity and confidence.

Here are the campaigns and initiatives that ARTogether is responsible for:

  • Provides art workshops and classes for refugees and immigrants.
  • Utilizes art as a means of healing and empowerment.
  • Creates a sense of community and belonging among participants.
  • Collaborates with local artists and volunteers to conduct art events.
  • Showcases participants' artwork through exhibitions.
  • Uses art to bridge cultural gaps and foster understanding.
  • Offers a space for self-expression and creativity.
  • Addresses social isolation and promotes networking.
  • Aims to empower individuals to rebuild their lives with confidence.

Folded Flag Foundation

The Folded Flag Foundation is a non-profit organization based in the United States that provides educational scholarships and support to the families of military personnel who have lost their lives while serving the country.

The foundation was established to honor the sacrifices made by fallen service members and ease their families' financial burdens after losing a loved one in the line of duty. One of the most significant ways it achieves this mission is by offering scholarships to the spouses and children of fallen soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and members of the Coast Guard.

Here are some key points about the Folded Flag Foundation:

  • Scholarships: The organization awards educational scholarships to spouses and children of fallen service members to help them pursue their educational goals. These scholarships can cover tuition, books, fees, and other educational expenses.
  • Financial Support: Besides scholarships, the Folded Flag Foundation may provide other forms of financial assistance and support to families who have lost a loved one in the military. The specific types of assistance may vary based on the individual needs of each family.
  • Eligibility: The foundation typically considers the service member's death circumstances and the surviving family members' financial needs when determining scholarship eligibility.
  • Partnership: The Folded Flag Foundation collaborates with various corporate sponsors, donors, and supporters to raise funds and ensure that the families' financial needs are adequately met.
  • Impact: By providing educational opportunities and financial support, the organization aims to empower the families of fallen military personnel, honoring the legacy of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.


Recidiviz is a nonprofit organization focused on using data and technology to improve the criminal justice system in the United States. The organization's primary mission is to reduce recidivism (the tendency of former inmates to re-offend) and improve outcomes for individuals involved in the criminal justice system.

Key aspects of Recidiviz include:

Data Analysis and Insights: Recidiviz collects and analyzes data from various sources within the criminal justice system, including prisons, jails, probation, and parole. By harnessing this data, the organization aims to gain insights into the factors contributing to recidivism and identify areas where improvements can be made.

Performance Measurement: The organization works with criminal justice agencies to develop standardized performance metrics, allowing for better assessment and comparison of programs and practices. These metrics help policymakers and practitioners understand what strategies are most effective in reducing recidivism and supporting successful reentry into society.

Data Transparency: Recidiviz advocates for increased data transparency within the criminal justice system. By making data more accessible and understandable, the organization aims to foster greater accountability and evidence-based decision-making among policymakers, practitioners, and the public.

Technology Solutions: Recidiviz develops and implements data-driven technology solutions to assist with criminal justice reform. These may include software tools and platforms that help agencies track and analyze data, identify trends, and improve their ability to make data-informed decisions.

Partnerships and Collaboration: The organization collaborates with various stakeholders, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, researchers, and policymakers, to promote data-driven criminal justice policies and practices.

Clementine Jacoby and her co-founders founded Recidiviz, the team comprises technologists, data scientists, and criminal justice experts who work together to advance their mission of promoting a fairer and more effective criminal justice system.

Alliance for the Great Lakes

The Alliance for the Great Lakes is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and conserving the Great Lakes in North America. The Great Lakes, which include Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario, is a vital natural resource, providing drinking water, supporting diverse ecosystems, and contributing to the region's economy and quality of life.

Key aspects of the Alliance for the Great Lakes include:

  1. Advocacy: The organization engages in local, regional, and national advocacy efforts to promote policies and practices that protect and restore the Great Lakes. They work with policymakers, community leaders, and stakeholders to address water quality, invasive species, habitat restoration, and sustainable water management issues.
  2. Education and Outreach: The Alliance for the Great Lakes conducts educational programs and public outreach initiatives to raise awareness about the importance of the Great Lakes and the challenges they face. They aim to inspire individuals to take action and be responsible stewards of this valuable freshwater resource.
  3. Conservation and Restoration: The organization actively supports and participates in projects and initiatives that contribute to the conservation and restoration of the Great Lakes ecosystem. This includes efforts to restore wetlands, protect wildlife habitats, and combat pollution and invasive species.
  4. Research and Data Analysis: The Alliance for the Great Lakes conducts research and data analysis to understand better the Great Lakes' health and the factors affecting their well-being. This scientific approach helps inform their advocacy and conservation efforts.
  5. Community Engagement: The organization collaborates with local communities and organizations in the Great Lakes region to involve them in conservation efforts and ensure their voices are heard in shaping the lakes' policies and decisions.
  6. Policy Development: The Alliance for the Great Lakes works to shape and support policies and legislation that promote sustainable water management, environmental protection, and the long-term health of the Great Lakes.
  7. Volunteer Programs: The organization offers opportunities for individuals to get involved through volunteer programs, beach cleanups, and other hands-on activities that directly contribute to protecting the Great Lakes.


Olasteo is a nonprofit in Los Angeles that provides immersive cultural excursions to high school students from underserved communities. The organization's mission is to "create experiences that empower students to serve as catalysts for social impact."

Olasteo's excursions take students to different parts of the United States and the world, where they learn about different cultures, meet with leaders, and participate in service projects. These excursions aim to help students develop a broader world perspective, gain new skills, and become more civically engaged.

Olasteo was founded in 2015 by Aaron Friedman and You Too. Individual donations, corporate sponsorships, and government grants fund the organization.

Here are some of the benefits that Olasteo's excursions can provide to students:

  • Broader perspective of the world: Students participating in Olasteo's excursions can learn about different cultures, meet with leaders, and experience different ways of life. This can help them develop a broader world perspective and become more understanding and tolerant of others.
  • New skills: Students participating in Olasteo's excursions can learn new skills, such as public speaking, teamwork, and problem-solving. These skills can help them succeed in school and in their future careers.
  • Civic engagement: Students participating in Olasteo's excursions can become more civically engaged. They learn about voting, volunteering, and speaking out on important issues. This can help them become more active members of their communities.

Black Film Space

Black Film Space is a nonprofit organization that provides support, resources, and networking opportunities for Black filmmakers and creators in the film and media industry. The organization's mission is to foster a community that empowers and amplifies the voices of Black storytellers, filmmakers, and industry professionals.

Key aspects of Black Film Space include:

  1. Community Building: Black Film Space creates a supportive and inclusive community for Black filmmakers and content creators. The organization hosts events, workshops, and networking opportunities to connect members and provide a platform for collaboration and skill-sharing.
  2. Education and Workshops: The organization offers educational programs and workshops focused on various aspects of filmmaking, including screenwriting, directing, producing, cinematography, and post-production. These resources aim to empower Black filmmakers with the knowledge and tools needed to excel in their craft.
  3. Filmmaker Support: Black Film Space provides resources and support to Black filmmakers navigating the industry's challenges. This includes mentorship programs, guidance on funding opportunities, and assistance with project development.
  4. Film Screenings and Showcases: The organization organizes film screenings and showcases that feature the work of Black filmmakers. These events provide a platform for filmmakers to showcase their projects and reach a broader audience.
  5. Advocacy: Black Film Space advocates for increased representation and diversity in the film and media industry. The organization raises awareness about the importance of equitable opportunities and fair representation for Black filmmakers and creators.
  6. Partnerships: Black Film Space collaborates with other organizations, industry professionals, and institutions to further its mission and expand its reach. These partnerships help create more opportunities and resources for the Black filmmaking community.

National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center

The National Indigenous Women's Resource Center (NIWRC) is a non-profit organization in the United States dedicated to ending violence against Native American and Alaska Native women. The organization provides resources, training, and technical assistance to tribal communities and organizations working to address domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and other forms of violence impacting Indigenous women.

Key aspects of the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center include:

  1. Technical Assistance: The NIWRC offers technical assistance to tribal governments, tribal programs, and grassroots organizations working to address violence against Indigenous women. This assistance may include guidance on developing effective strategies, programs, and policies.
  2. Resource Development: The organization develops and disseminates resources, toolkits, and educational materials highlighting best practices and culturally relevant approaches to addressing violence in Native communities. These resources are designed to support advocates, service providers, and community members in their efforts to prevent and respond to violence.
  3. Training and Capacity Building: NIWRC conducts training sessions and capacity-building workshops to enhance the knowledge and skills of professionals and community members who work with Indigenous women affected by violence.
  4. Policy Advocacy: The organization engages in advocacy efforts at the tribal, state, and national levels to promote policies that protect and support Indigenous women and address the root causes of violence.
  5. Public Awareness Campaigns: NIWRC raises public awareness about the issues of violence against Indigenous women through campaigns, events, and outreach activities.
  6. Research and Data Collection: The organization supports research initiatives to understand better the scope and impact of violence against Indigenous women and to inform evidence-based approaches to prevention and intervention.

The National Indigenous Women's Resource Center plays a crucial role in addressing the unique challenges faced by Indigenous women and communities in the United States, and it strives to promote healing, justice, and safety for all Native American and Alaska Native women.

Foster America

Foster America is a nonprofit organization in the United States dedicated to improving the child welfare system by recruiting and supporting leaders with expertise in various fields to work within child welfare agencies. The organization's mission is to bring innovative and effective solutions to the foster care system's challenges and improve outcomes for children and families involved in the child welfare system.

Key aspects of Foster America include:

  1. Leadership Fellowship: Foster America recruits professionals from diverse backgrounds, including government, social services, technology, and policy, to serve as fellows within child welfare agencies. These fellows work on various projects and initiatives to improve the child welfare system's effectiveness and efficiency.
  2. Innovation and Solutions: Foster America fellows bring innovative approaches and evidence-based solutions to address the complex issues within the child welfare system. They collaborate with agencies, stakeholders, and communities to implement positive changes impacting children and families involved in the foster care system.
  3. Support and Training: Fellows receive comprehensive support and training from Foster America to enhance their ability to lead and effect change within the child welfare system. This includes ongoing coaching, professional development opportunities, and access to a network of like-minded individuals.
  4. Collaboration and Partnerships: Foster America collaborates with child welfare agencies, policymakers, and other organizations working in the child welfare sector to create a collective impact and drive systemic change.
  5. Data-Driven Approaches: The organization emphasizes the importance of data-driven decision-making and evidence-based practices to achieve better outcomes for children and families involved in the foster care system.

Through its fellowship program, Foster America aims to create a pipeline of dedicated leaders who are committed to transforming the child welfare system and ensuring that children in foster care have access to safe, stable, and nurturing environments that promote their well-being.

impl. project

Impl. project is a non-profit organization that uses data-driven solutions to create more effective programs for underserved communities. The organization was founded in 2015 by Austin Sanders and Yoyong Suarez, who were inspired by the power of data to improve people's lives.

Impl. project's work is focused on three pillars:

  • Data collection: Impl. the project collects data on various factors affecting the lives of underserved communities, such as education, health, and economic opportunity. This data is then used to create a more accurate picture of these communities' challenges.
  • Data analysis: Impl. project analyzes the data it collects to identify the root causes of the challenges facing underserved communities. This analysis is then used to develop more effective programs and interventions.
  • Program implementation: Impl. the project works with local partners to implement its developed programs and interventions. This ensures that the programs are tailored to the specific needs of the communities they serve.

Impl. project's work has significantly impacted the lives of people in underserved communities. For example, the organization's work in the Philippines has helped increase fisherfolk's economic opportunities, improve education access for children in conflict-affected areas, and reduce violence against women.

Impl. project is a valuable resource for underserved communities. The organization's data-driven development approach has helped improve millions of people's lives worldwide.

Here are some of the projects that Impl. the project has worked on:

  • Fisherfolk Development Program: This program in the Philippines helps fisherfolk to improve their incomes and livelihoods. The program provides training on sustainable fishing practices, access to credit, and marketing support.
  • Education Program: This program in the Philippines provides scholarships to children from conflict-affected areas. The program also provides teacher training and support for schools in these areas.
  • Violence Against Women Program: This program in the Philippines provides training and support to women who have experienced violence. The program also works to raise awareness about violence against women and change the attitudes contributing to it.

Hope for Ukraine

Hope for Ukraine is a non-profit organization that provides humanitarian aid to people affected by the war in Ukraine. The organization was founded in 2014 by a group of Ukrainian-Americans concerned about the plight of the people in their homeland.

Hope for Ukraine's work is focused on three areas:

  • Emergency relief: Hope for Ukraine provides food, water, shelter, and medical supplies to people who the war has displaced.
  • Rehabilitation: Hope for Ukraine helps people to rebuild their lives after the war. This includes providing them with housing, education, and job training.
  • Advocacy: Hope for Ukraine advocates for the rights of people affected by the war. This includes ensuring they have access to humanitarian aid and their voices are heard.

Hope for Ukraine has been working tirelessly to help people affected by the war in Ukraine. The organization has provided millions of dollars in humanitarian aid and helped rebuild thousands of people's lives.

Here are some of the specific projects that Hope for Ukraine has worked on:

  • Food and water distribution: Hope for Ukraine has distributed food and water to people displaced by the war. This includes providing them with food and water kits and setting up food banks and distribution centers.
  • Construction of shelters: Hope for Ukraine has constructed shelters for people who have lost their homes due to the war. This includes providing them with temporary shelters, as well as helping them to rebuild their homes.
  • Provision of medical care: Hope for Ukraine has provided medical care to people injured or sick due to the war. This includes providing them with medical supplies and setting up field hospitals and clinics.
  • Education and job training: Hope for Ukraine has provided education and job training to people who the war has displaced. This includes providing them with scholarships, as well as helping them to find jobs.
  • Advocacy: Hope for Ukraine has advocated for the rights of people affected by the war. This includes ensuring they have access to humanitarian aid and their voices are heard.

Animal Equality

Animal Equality is an international non-profit organization that works to end animal exploitation. The organization was founded in 2006 by Sharon Núñez, José Valle, and Javier Moreno.

Animal Equality has had a significant impact on the lives of animals. The organization's investigations have led to several factory farms and slaughterhouses closing. Its public education campaigns have helped to raise awareness about animal exploitation and have inspired millions of people to adopt a vegan lifestyle. And its legislative advocacy has helped pass laws protecting animals in several countries.

Animal Equality is a valuable resource for people interested in ending animal exploitation. The organization's work is essential to creating a more just and compassionate world for all animals.

Here are some of the specific projects that Animal Equality has worked on:

  • Investigation into a fur farm in China: In 2015, Animal Equality conducted an undercover investigation into a fur farm in China. The investigation revealed that the animals on the farm were subjected to horrific cruelty, including being kept in cramped cages, beaten, and skinned alive. The investigation led to the farm's closure and several people's arrest.
  • Public education campaign about the dairy industry: In 2016, Animal Equality launched a public education campaign about the dairy industry. The campaign highlighted the cruelty cows endure in the dairy industry, such as being forcibly impregnated, having their calves taken away, and being sent to slaughter when they are no longer productive. The campaign helped to raise awareness about the dairy industry and inspired many people to adopt a vegan diet.
  • Legislative advocacy to ban fur farming in the European Union: In 2017, Animal Equality worked with other animal welfare organizations to lobby the European Union to ban fur farming. The ban was passed in 2018, making the European Union the first continent to ban fur farming.

Animal Equality is a powerful force for change in the fight against animal exploitation. The organization's work is essential to creating a more just and compassionate world for all animals.

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